May 7, 2010

Beautiful Hair Day

Want to have beautiful hair? Then consider studying the chemistry.

Acids help dissolve soap scum and smooth hair.
Bases dissolve hair.

That explains why most shampoos are slightly acidic!

Grecian Formula, which re-darkens hair for graying people, is all a chemical change. It produces a pigment similar to melanin (the pigment in skin and hair) that attaches to the proteins in hair, so that, gradually, gray hair becomes darker.

At hair salons, hair dressers use hydrogen perioxide, H2O2, to dye hair. You could technically do a DIY home version, but the perioxide at Walmart won't do you any good! The one Mr. Bender bought was only 3% perioxide ):

I personally found this discussion interesting; As I girl with long hair who gets annoyed by split ends, it was fun to finally learn how shampoo and conditioner worked. Priya Shah, from period 7, also agreed with me, adding "It was fun to learn something applicable to life right now, and nice to learn something other than math related things".

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