May 7, 2010

HAHA & BH2OBHOH: Oh yes!


When Mr. Bender first introduced this to us, I was worried. The concept sounded complicated--the acids do what with the hydrogen to how the pH? But when Mr. Bender taught it to us, I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't difficult at all! As a class, Chemistry Honors was not at all fazed by HAHA and BH2OBHOH.

Sayoni Saha, period 7, found this new information easier to understand than other things we had learned throughout the year. Though she had a little trouble with grasping the concept, after a quick look in the book, she was set to go!

Also in period 7, Priya Shah too found that compared to many of the difficult thing we had had to learn this year, this was by far the easiest to understand. Though it couldn't be classified as "simple", it was very similar to things we had done previously, which made things easier.

Ellie Shin, in period 2, stated that the lesson was "easy".

All it all, I did feel that this was easily understood by most chem students. It was nice to come back from spring break to this, instead of say, something like salts, which was a bit more difficult.

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